
Mar 23, 2011

These Boots are made for Walking

proclaims author Mark Reid


Mark Reid celebrates his 10,000th mile – equivalent to walking from England to Adelaide, Australia – at the Craven Arms, Appletreewick.


When Mark Reid, author of the acclaimed ‘Inn Way’ guidebooks, gave up his job as an area manager with a large brewery back in spring 1997 to concentrate on making his living walking from pub to pub in the Yorkshire Dales (and writing about it), Mark also began to record each and every one of his walks. 

His first walk was a 7-mile route around Appletreewick in the Yorkshire Dales back in January 1998. Thirteen years later, and Mark has just clocked up his 10,000th mile, and decided to reach this milestone at the end of a walk around Appletreewick, conveniently timed so that he could call into the Craven Arms for a small celebration! 

This moment was captured on camera, as Mark features on a regular walk for ITV Yorkshire entitled ‘A Breath of Fresh Air’, along with ITV weatherman Jon Mitchell. The walk is scheduled to be shown on Thursday 24th March at 6pm on ITV Yorkshire

Says Mark: “I first decided to log my walks to avoid duplication and also out of curiosity to see how many miles I covered each year. Back in 1998 I walked 624 miles, but this has steadily grown so that last year I covered 1,047 miles. I really can’t believe that I’ve walked all of those miles – it’s no wonder my knees ache! It’s the equivalent of walking from England to Adelaide in Australia, which helps explain why a pair of walking boots only lasts me about 18 months.”  

23rd March 2011

The Inn Way - By Mark Reid Carbon Footprint
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